Exercise for prostatitis

exercise for prostatitis in men

Inflammation of the prostate or neoplasms in the form of adenomas, which lead to urinary disorders and sexual dysfunction, are a consequence of the general aging of the body, or are caused by external infections and an inappropriate lifestyle.

Regardless of the cause of this pathology, a special set of physical exercises can greatly facilitate the process of treatment and restoration of prostate function in men.

General physical education, the effect of which is tripled by a healthy diet and the rejection of alcohol and cigarettes, strengthens the immune and hormonal system of a man and, in most cases, excludes the appearance ofprostatitis even in old age.

But in the event that there are already the slightest signs of inflammation, such as difficulty and pain when urinating, before proceeding with self-medication, you should consult a doctor. The intensity of prostatitis symptoms can be misleading. Only after the investigation of a specialist can the stage and nature of the course of the disease be established, and a corresponding set of physical exercises.

Patients diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and in the process of recovering from adenoma surgery are prescribed special therapeutic exercises, which are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In milder forms of inflammation, the effects of drug therapy can be supported by gymnastics, which strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation in the pelvic region. Physical activity not only stimulates the metabolism, but also relieves the psychological stress caused by the disease and supports the male body, revealing all the possibilities of self-medication.

Daily exercise

The entire male population of the planet is subject to a sedentary lifestyle to one degree or another. Those who work only in the case of many hours of freezing in the fifth point, that is, people with a daily sedentary regime of eight or more hours, are recommended regular workouts and short warm-ups every hour and a half while in a static position, withoutmatter where the person is.

The prostatitis prevention exercise can be entered in the special training menu, or you can do just one of them as a short warm-up, repeated up to ten times. All exercises are performed while standing, the first movement is inhalation, the transition to the starting position is exhalation. The back is straight, the feet do not come off the ground.

  • Semi-squats with the knees at the sides;
  • Raise the leg bent at the knee so that the line of the thighs is parallel to the floor. Next, transfer your straight leg behind your back. You can vary this exercise, bringing your leg to the side. If you find it difficult to balance, you can first practice with your hand resting on the back of the chair. Then gradually switch to play without emphasis;
  • Slow circular movements with a straight leg, while tensing the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Wide front and side lunges. In this case, the other leg is bent;
  • Jumping in place, with two legs and alternate legs;
  • Pulling towards the ceiling with outstretched arms.

For all-day warm-ups, you can use exercises to contract and relax your abdomen and buttocks. The main principle is to fix the tense muscles and gradually relax them for as long as possible. In addition, these exercises can also be performed in a sitting position.

Stair climbing is another easy-to-use exercise for prostatitis that strengthens the pelvic muscles. You can mimic that step on a bench or chair, while depending on the degree of fatigue, you can do this exercise at a different pace, from slow walking to fast running.

A set of exercises for the pelvic organs

a set of exercises for prostatitis in men

Exercise for prostatitis and adenoma should be strictly normalized: you can not be exhausted, you should definitely observe the measure and get a load of energy and pleasure from training.

When exercising in the morning or on a mat at home, do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum and improve blood circulation in the lower torso. It is important to note that exercise progress is measured not only by increasing repetitions, but also by improving technique. The stretch should increase over time, the movements will become light and clear.

Most exercises are performed using leg movements while lying on your back:

  • The straight legs are raised perpendicular to the ground and held for a few seconds;
  • Stretch the legs bent at the knees parallel to the floor;
  • Leg movements like riding a bicycle, it is necessary to perform up to 500 circular movements a day. In this case, the movement must be done both clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • Raise your pelvis with your knees bent above the floor, then straighten your legs and spread them in opposite directions;
  • Draw circles and eights with your legs, you can diversify this exercise by moving your legs closed and stretched up and down and diagonally;
  • From a prone position, you should lift your legs and extend them to the sides. Fix this position for a few seconds.

You also need to practice:

  • Training ball exercises: roll sitting and lying down, squeeze the ball between the hips and legs, jump in this position.
  • Push-ups from the ground, for beginners, from the wall or the bar.
  • Bench position: positions with emphasis on the elbows and feet.
  • Moving on the buttocks while sitting.
  • Jump rope.
  • Lean forward from supine position with feet stationary.

In the complex of daily gymnastics, there should be exercises to stretch the muscles and increase the flexibility of the lumbar spine.

Yoga for prostatitis

Before doing the exercises called asanas, you will need to do some preparatory work. To determine which exercises are suitable in each individual case, it is necessary to acquire basic knowledge of hatha yoga, reach a certain level of muscle stretching and master a special respiratory complex.

Here is a description of three asanas that will require quite a long training to complete:

  • The legs are separated in an incomplete division 10 cm from the floor, the body is bent, and the arms extended forward touch the foot. The same is true in the other direction;
  • Straight stance, body weight is transferred to one bent leg. The foot of the other leg is carried on the supporting shin, the arms are entwined around the body;
  • Lying on your stomach, grasp your ankles with your hands and arch your body as much as possible.

Invisible gymnastics for prostatitis

therapeutic exercises for prostatitis

These are special physical exercises that are indicated for prostatitis and require concentration and relaxation. With its help, a unique massage effect is achieved. The exercise should be repeated several times a day, doing 10 to 20 repetitions.

  • While inhaling, pull the anus, while exhaling, relax. It is important to perform the exercise rhythmically using two different options. The first involves absorbing and relaxing at regular intervals as quickly as possible. In the second case, the state of maximum tension should be maintained as long as possible, then the muscles should gradually and gradually relax, also prolonging this process as long as possible.
  • Interruption of urination. You can literally practice stopping the flow of urine, making those 30 breaks per urination. It can also simulate the interruption of urination by muscle contraction.

These exercises can and should be performed for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, alternating the starting positions: standing, sitting, lying down. If done correctly you may feel a surge of heat in your groin area, there may be a slight residual pain that should go away with time.

Physiotherapy exercises

This is a special set of physical exercises for the treatment of prostatitis, which, as a rule, are combined with massage and other physiotherapy procedures and lead to the restoration of impaired functions of erection, urination and urination. defecation. Such exercises, which in principle repeat the preventive gymnastic complex, are prescribed by the doctor, based on the medical history, and after the urologist has decided on the question of how to treat the disease. Exercise with prostatitis can increase pain, so it is important to do it with regular medical supervision.

Exercise for chronic prostatitis is very rare. As directed by the urologist, exercises in simulators and the use of dumbbells and bars to pump certain muscle groups can also be prescribed.

Any type of physical activity: walking, running, swimming, jumping rope, riding a bicycle, in the absence of medical contraindications, contributes to the treatment of prostatitis, increases the patient's vitality and improves his mood.