Apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis: application and contraindications.

Prostatitis is an edema of the tissues of the external tubular alveolar gland. Pathology manifests itself only in men, since this gland is inherent only in the male body.

When the prostate becomes infected, it puts pressure on the urethra and the male body cannot urinate, which is the main sign of prostatitis formation. Therapy of this pathology can be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis of the type and form of the disease, since the treatment methods are different.

Apparatus and devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

Urologist physicians recommend devices for the treatment of prostatitis in an inpatient organization or for personal use. Due to the comprehensive influence on the area of the disease, the effectiveness of therapy is significantly increased.

There are several types of special devices for the treatment of the pathology in question:

  1. Electrical applianceThey act on inflamed tissues with an electrical impulse. The main effect is on the walls of the blood vessels, improving blood circulation, metabolism in tissues and the regeneration of prostate cells.
  2. Vibroacoustic devices, which are based on the effect of vibrations on the external tubular-alveolar gland, relaxing the muscles of the gland.
  3. Magnetotherapyit is also used in physiotherapy. Today, that treatment is widespread. Reduces swelling, relieves pain, and improves blood circulation.
  4. Laser therapyIt is based on the action of the infrared laser with soft rays on inflamed external tissues, performed exclusively by specialists.

Devices for the treatment of this pathology provide a positive effect on various types and forms of the disease, as well as on the prevention of relapses. Experts assure that treatment with such devices will help the patient to quickly achieve the desired recovery.

Modern medicine is developing rapidly. Now, devices for the treatment of prostatitis have a rapid healing effect, which is achieved in a short time.

One of these effects is the ability, with the help of devices, to remove a benign formation that has affected the gland, which is in an acute form of inflammation. This has a qualitative preventive effect on the recurrence of the pathology.

In addition, devices for the treatment of prostatitis provide an opportunity to weaken or eliminate the signs of the disease that appear during the chronic period of its passage. Also, many devices and devices give visible results after the first procedure.

Indications and contraindications for use.

Hardware procedures are recommended only in the area of the urogenital azygos muscle located between the genital organ and the anus.

Indications for the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis are the following factors:

  • Chronic form of the disease.
  • Infectious granulomatous form of the disease.
  • Adhesions and constrictions of the tissues of the external tubular-alveolar gland.
  • Disorders associated with disorders of the nervous system.
  • Difficulty in the outflow of venous blood with normalized arterial blood flow in the small pelvis.
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Failures in the process of eliminating urine from the urethra.
  • Sexual dysfunction (impotence).

The special therapeutic devices that are used to cure this disease should not be used hastily. Their influence cannot be without result. Inflamed tissue will always be affected, and in some circumstances the result can be negative.

Contraindications to the use of devices are the following factors:

  • The advanced stage of hemorrhoids.
  • Enlargement of the colon.
  • Purulent inflammation of the pelvic tissue.
  • Pathological formations.
  • Rectal prolapse.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Damage to the anus.
  • Acute pathologies of the urinary system organ complex.
  • Solid deposits in the ducts of the gland.

Intolerance of treatment methods with the help of physiotherapy devices, which is based on injection into the body cavity, through the rectum, is also a contraindication. In this case, therapy is prescribed by external mechanisms. They are not as popular because the effect of their use is less than that of invasive devices.

Most popular devices

Devices for the treatment of prostatitis are of two types:

  • Rectal physiotherapy devices are designed in such a way that it is possible to massage the tissues through the anus.
  • Minimally invasive devices are designed for external exposure.

There are a large number of devices and gadgets. They differ by the type of design and the type of impact.

Among the most common models, the following are distinguished:

Combined device

The device influences inflamed tissues through electrical impulses, magnetic fields, and low-frequency vibrations. Quite compact. Due to the peculiarity of the combination of three exposure combinations, it allows to treat pathologies in different stages and with different forms.

Apparatus - massager

It has become a novelty in the treatment of prostate diseases. It is characterized by ease of use, connects to a computer and has several electrodes of different voltages. It generates laser beams and magnetic field.

Under the complex influence, the density of the blood decreases, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, and the muscles of the small pelvis are activated.

Vibrating device

A fairly compact device consisting of a control panel, an accessory and a connection cable. It acts directly, it is introduced through the anus. It has three types of effects on inflamed tissues: magnetic, heating, vibratory massage. Eliminate pain symptoms, relieve inflammation. Complex treatment with the device in conjunction with medications is recommended.

Biopolar radiofrequency device

the doctor adjusts the device for the treatment of prostatitis

Also recommended by experts. Work safely with thermal electrodes. The procedure does not require anesthesia; treatment with such a device at home is impossible. The device is designed so that it is not necessary to monitor rectal temperature.

Physiotherapy device

The device is designed to relieve tissue edema on its own and at home. It is based on the vibroacoustic effect, it has several modes, depending on the emitted frequencies. Restores blood circulation.

Many men over the age of 35 are prone to prostatitis. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor. This pathology can be eliminated quite quickly, thanks to drug therapy, as well as treatment with physiotherapy devices. In modern medicine, there are many different devices that take into account all types, forms of disease, and individual characteristics of the body.