Best medicine for prostate gland in men: the list and recommendations

Choose one of the best medication for the prostatitis, which removes the disease in all men is very difficult. Medications for prostatitis is differentiated by the price and the efficacy of treatment. Consider the most effective drugs for prostatitis, identifying the main points to which attention should be paid in their choice.

the medications of prostatitis

In medical practice there is a tendency to "rejuvenation" of the chronic infections of the reach of men: if, in the second half of the twentieth century, the prostatitis was found mainly in patients older than 55-60 years, today this disease is often diagnosed men under the age of forty. The cause of the violation of the immunity chronic diseases, genital infections, a lot of sexual abstinence and other, fortunately, the pharmacy offers many medications effective in the treatment of this disease. As today marks the treatment of prostatitis in men: medications, social activities, and alternative media – we're going to see more effective.

What you should know about prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate is a small organ of the male reproductive system, located below the urethra. It is produced by the body secret participating in addition, the ejaculation and the saturation of their nutrients. The inflammation of the prostate danger, not only its symptoms – intoxication, abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, but also the terrible complication – acute, urinary retention, urgent surgical intervention.

Classification of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis

All the drugs used for the treatment of prostatitis in men, it can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Antibiotics – antibiotics to combat the main cause of the disease of hiv;
  2. Pathogens tools – decrease the inflammation of the prostate and reduce the fenmenos stuck in the authority;
  3. Symptomatic drugs – struggling with unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Effective taking the tablets at the integrated approach to treatment of the disease, as well as drugs for the treatment of prostatitis in men must not only fight against the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate their symptoms.

Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis

The use of antibiotics is the mainstay of treatment of the inflammation of the prostate. What medications are used for the treatment of prostatitis?

Beyond the acute phase of the inflammation of the prostate, accompanied by obvious symptoms of intoxication, delay of urination, and sudden pain, antibiotics, preferably intravenously. When the chronic prostatitis is used pills. The course of treatment, on average, 10 to 14 days with a severe form of the disease, and 7 to 10 days, while chronic.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy

One of the classic manifestations of prostatitis is the spasm of the smooth muscles of the pelvis and the violation of outflow of urine. Edematous and lots of prostate gland pressure on the urethra, and the patient is experiencing great difficulties in emptying the bladder. To fight against this is possible with the help of modern medicamentous means.

The anti-inflammatory

Anti-inflammatory drugs when the prostatitis are allocated to eliminate the edema, congestion and painful sensations. They are divided into two large groups: non-steroidal and steroidal.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids)

Normally, standard, algorithm of treatment of patients with prostatitis are applied non-steroidal. They have a high efficiency and a minimum of side effects.

Hormones (steroids) media

The ineffectiveness of the treatment of nsaids, physicians are forced to resort to a hormone treatment against the media. To relieve the acute inflammation were used:

Note! Steroids, medications for prostatitis have expressed the ability to suppress immunity, therefore are not assigned to the hiv and other immunodeficiencies.

Local anti-inflammatory drugs

The most effective anti-inflammatory and pain medication, if prostatitis in the shape of the candle.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of prostatitis

Anti-inflammatory activity when prostatitis have the infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants:

  • st. john's wort;
  • the yarrow;
  • the tansy;
  • a succession;
  • the wormwood;
  • the greater celandine;
  • hop cones.
the pharmacological treatment

Effective results in the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis in men, you can only get to sochetannom take medications for causal, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment. We must not forget non-drug based methods of treatment of the disease: nutritional, physical activity, physiotherapy procedures, and massage of the prostate. A comprehensive approach will make you forget of pain, discomfort and difficulty urinating.